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MoM Pie Contest 2020.PNG

Official Rules for Munchin’ on Main Street Pie Baking Contest
Sponsored by Conway County Extension Homemakers

Saturday, March 28, 2020
Pie Drop off begins at 2:00 pm
Judging begins at 3:00 pm
Slices will be sold following judging until 5:00 pm

  1. Contestants may enter up to 2 (different) pies. Bakers must be amateur or home bakers. There will be 2 divisions-Youth Bakers (ages 9 to 17) and Adult Bakers (18+).

  2. Pies must be entered in the name of the person who baked them.

  3. All pies must be baked in a disposable 9" or 10" pie pan. Pans will not be returned.

  4. All pies must include a recipe card (no larger than a half sheet of paper) or they will not be eligible for judging. Do not write your name on the card. Winning recipes may be shared with the public. 

  5. All pies should be made from scratch. No pre-made pie fillings or store bought crusts. Pies are required to include a bottom crust.

  6. Absolutely NO pies will be accepted that require refrigeration. This includes but is not limited to: cream pies, custard pies, egg based pies, meringues, home canned fillings such as pumpkin or sweet potato. No pies containing cream cheese, whipped cream, ice cream, etc.

  7. Pies will be judged based on appearance, aroma, crust, and overall taste.

Following judging, pies will be sold by the slice to benefit the Conway County Care Center. Pie sales will begin after judging and end at 5:00 pm. Contestants may pick up any remaining pie after sales end at 5:00 pm.

Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third places in both youth and adult divisions.

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